Our areas of expertise
Hearing loss, Hole in the eardrum,
Inflammation, Tinnitus
Ears are susceptible to hearing loss, eardrum injuries, inflammation, tinnitus and dizziness. This is what we specialize in. Our focus is on the following treatments:
- Tympanoplasty to repair holes in the eardrum
- Hearing tests required by OASI/IV for clarification of the cost coverage of hearing aids
- Advice on classic hearing aids
- Treatment with implantable hearing aids (bone anchored solutions)
- Ear microscopy with professional cleaning of the ear canal
All assessments and treatments are tailored to your individual needs in order to specifically support your hearing and treat complaints.
Nose and Paranasal sinuses
Nosebleeds, Sinusitis,
Nasal breathing problems, Allergies
Nosebleeds, sinusitis, nasal breathing problems and allergies are common complaints of the nose and paranasal sinuses. We offer specialized examinations such as endoscopies of the sinuses, allergy tests and surgical procedures to improve nasal breathing with the aim of alleviating your symptoms and improving your quality of life.
Nose and Paranasal sinuses
Nosebleeds, Sinusitis,
Nasal breathing problems, Allergies
Nosebleeds, sinusitis, nasal breathing problems and allergies are common complaints of the nose and paranasal sinuses. We offer specialized examinations such as endoscopies of the sinuses, allergy tests and surgical procedures to improve nasal breathing with the aim of alleviating your symptoms and improving your quality of life.
Mouth, Tongue,
Throat, Tonsils
Inflammation, changes in the mucous membrane
Changes in the mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue and throat as well as swollen tonsils often cause discomfort. We offer examinations and treatments in this area, including tonsillectomies and the removal of mucosal tissue samples for microscopic examination of the changes. Our aim is to obtain as accurate a picture as possible of the problem so that we can recommend the most suitable treatment for you.
Book an appointment here.
Hearing tests, snoring problems and complaints in the area of the ears, nose and throat.
Face, Neck, Lymph nodes
Swelling, Skin tumours
Careful diagnostics and well-coordinated treatments are extremely important for swelling in the neck. This is what we specialise in. We remove skin tumours in delicate areas such as the face, nose and ear. Not only is healing important to us, but also close monitoring of the healing process and a good aesthetic result.
Face, Neck, Lymph nodes
Swelling, Skin tumours
Careful diagnostics and well-coordinated treatments are extremely important for swelling in the neck. This is what we specialise in. We remove skin tumours in delicate areas such as the face, nose and ear. Not only is healing important to us, but also close monitoring of the healing process and a good aesthetic result.
Ultrasound diagnostics
Clarifications incl. fine-needle punctures
Swelling of the neck, thyroid disorders and tumours of the salivary glands must be carefully investigated medically. We specialise in investigating such diseases using ultrasound imaging and fine needle punctures. Thanks to these procedures, we can diagnose thyroid diseases such as thyroid cancer, neck cysts and swellings and tumours of the salivary glands.
Sleep apnea
Snoring with/without breathing pauses
Snoring, with or without breathing pauses (sleep apnoea), can affect your sleep quality and health. Dr. Lorenz Epprecht headed the snoring consultation at Zurich University Hospital for several years and has extensive experience in the treatment of such complaints. In addition to traditional therapies, the ORL Franklinklinik Oerlikon also offers modern solutions such as the Inspire tongue pacemaker, which regulates breathing during sleep and thus improves sleep quality and quality of life.
Sleep apnea
Snoring with/without breathing pauses
Snoring, with or without breathing pauses (sleep apnoea), can affect your sleep quality and health. Dr. Lorenz Epprecht headed the snoring consultation at Zurich University Hospital for several years and has extensive experience in the treatment of such complaints. In addition to traditional therapies, the ORL Franklinklinik Oerlikon also offers modern solutions such as the Inspire tongue pacemaker, which regulates breathing during sleep and thus improves sleep quality and quality of life.
Second opinions
Get our experience so that you can make a better decision
When making medical decisions, a second opinion can provide clarity. We offer you our experience and resources so that you can review your diagnosis or treatment options. After all, having a sound knowledge of your own health makes it easier to make such decisions. We would like to support you in this.
Tongue pacemaker
Modern therapy for sleep apnoea: regulate breathing, improve quality of life
Snoring with breathing interruptions (sleep apnoea) can have significant health consequences. If you are unable to cope with breathing masks such as CPAP, we offer you a modern therapy in the form of the Inspire tongue pacemaker, which does not require a mask or tube. Dr. Lorenz Epprecht was the first doctor in the canton of Zurich to introduce this innovative treatment at Zurich University Hospital, where it is now well established. Inspire regulates breathing during sleep and thus improves the quality of life for patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Before the procedure, it is important to analyse exactly whether you are suitable for this procedure. We clarify this with a sleep video endoscopy (DISE).
Tongue pacemaker
Modern therapy for sleep apnoea: regulate breathing, improve quality of life
Snoring with breathing interruptions (sleep apnoea) can have significant health consequences. If you are unable to cope with breathing masks such as CPAP, we offer you a modern therapy in the form of the Inspire tongue pacemaker, which does not require a mask or tube. Dr. Lorenz Epprecht was the first doctor in the canton of Zurich to introduce this innovative treatment at Zurich University Hospital, where it is now well established. Inspire regulates breathing during sleep and thus improves the quality of life for patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Before the procedure, it is important to analyse exactly whether you are suitable for this procedure. We clarify this with a sleep video endoscopy (DISE).
Frequently asked questions
What causes hearing loss and how is it treated?
Hearing loss can be triggered by various factors: Age (presbycusis), loud noises (noise-induced hearing loss), infections, genetic factors or injuries to the ear. To diagnose hearing loss, a hearing test (audiometry) and an examination of the ear with a microscope are often carried out. Treatment depends on the cause: Age-related or noise-induced hearing loss is usually treated with hearing aids. Today there are modern options with implantable hearing aids. In the case of an eardrum perforation (hole in the eardrum) or chronic middle ear inflammation, surgery may be necessary, for example a mastoidectomy or tympanoplasty to repair the eardrum. A precise diagnosis helps to find the right treatment and improve hearing.
What causes a blocked nose and how is it treated?
Chronic sinusitis occurs when the sinuses are inflamed and mucus cannot drain properly. This often leads to nasal congestion, facial pain and headaches. Causes can be allergies, polyps, infections or anatomical anomalies such as a crooked nasal septum. Treatment ranges from nasal sprays and straightening of the nasal septum to endoscopic sinus surgery in chronic cases to open blocked passages and allow sprays and rinses better access to the mucous membrane. It is important to diagnose the exact cause of the inflammation in order to choose the right treatment.
What are the symptoms of sleep apnoea?
Sleep apnoea is characterised by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, often accompanied by loud snoring, daytime sleepiness, concentration problems and restless sleep. There are two main types: obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), in which the upper airways are blocked, and central sleep apnoea, which is caused by a disorder in the central nervous system. OSA is the most common form and can have serious consequences such as high blood pressure, heart problems and an increased risk of stroke. Diagnosis is usually made through a sleep study, and treatment can range from CPAP machines to surgery. Surgical procedures include soft palate tightening or the implantation of an Inspire pacemaker. We will be happy to discuss all the options with you at your leisure.
How is snoring treated and when should you be worried?
Snoring becomes problematic when it impairs the quality of sleep or is accompanied by pauses in breathing (sleep apnea). Risk factors such as obesity, alcohol consumption and anatomically narrowed airways can increase snoring. Treatment without surgery usually requires lifestyle changes, weight loss or the fitting of snoring splints. Snoring splints move the lower jaw slightly forward and can also help to keep the airways open. In addition, we offer a detailed assessment using sleep video endoscopy (DISE) to identify the exact cause of snoring and discuss surgical therapies with you.
What is the cause of tinnitus and how can it be treated?
Tinnitus is a persistent or recurring noise in the ear that is not caused by external sound sources. It can be perceived as ringing, buzzing, humming or hissing. Acute tinnitus lasts up to three months, while chronic tinnitus lasts longer than three months. The most common causes are hearing loss, noise damage, ear infections or diseases such as Menière’s disease. Tinnitus that occurs synchronised with the heartbeat can be caused by a malformation of the blood vessels in the brain. Stress, overwork or psychological strain can exacerbate the symptoms. There are various treatment approaches depending on the cause and stress. Acute forms can often be alleviated by treating the underlying disease, while chronic tinnitus can be treated using methods such as cognitive behavioural therapy or physiotherapy to reduce the perception of tinnitus. We work closely with specialists in psychotherapy to ensure interdisciplinary treatment that is tailored to your needs. If you have only been suffering from tinnitus for a short time, you have a good chance that it will go away on its own. In the case of chronic tinnitus, the symptoms can often be alleviated, but it is often not curable.